Hi! I'm Jeremy, digital designer with a background in architecture. Currently, I'm solving complex design and business problems at the edge of Aerospace with UTC Digital.

Hi! I'm Jeremy, a digital designer. For the best experience, please use a larger window.

(or just rotate your mobile device!)

Featured Work

IMS Datalink Portal

Product Designer / UTC Digital / Design Research, Product Design / 2020

Rotor Charts
Design System

Project and Design Lead / UTC Digital
/ DS Design, Product Design / 2019

ABC Upgrade

Project and Design Lead / Verizon / Product Design, Design Research / 2018

More Work


Product Designer / Designation / Product Design, Design Research / 2017

Actuation Services

Design Strategist / UTC Digital
Workshop design, Business transformation / 2019

Summiting Mars

Carnegie Mellon University /
Experience Design, Arch. Design / 2016

2024 Olympics

Carnegie Mellon University / Urban Design, Arch. Design, Experience Design / 2015

Architectural Design

Carnegie Mellon University / Urban Design, Arch. Design, Experience Design / 2011 - 2016

Digital Design Challenges

This is a collection of product design challenges that range from quick half-day mockups to longer projects.

Jeremylu.design@gmail.com for access

Product Design, UX/UI Design,
Graphic Design / 2015 - Present

Other Work Samples

Experience Design, Arch. Design,
Print Design / 2011 - Present

Local Guide

LocalGuide is a platform that connects travelers looking for unique adventures with local residents.

Product Designer, Design Researcher • Designation • Product Design • 2017

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Connect —
LinkedIn / Medium

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© 2020 -  Jeremy y. Lu